Glasgow City Council has voted through a budget which cuts 172 teachers this year, with the number rising to 450 over the next three years.
Glasgow EIS has declared a dispute with Glasgow City council in the face of this and, alongside sister trade unions and parents’ organisations, are actively campaigning against these devastating cuts.
No job losses are acceptable but the sheer number of teachers being lost as a result of these cuts is unthinkable and will lead to further workload pressures, massively increased stress and significantly diminished capacity for remaining teachers to adequately support children and young people.
The EIS is clear that our members will simply not be able to provide the level of service we are currently providing in the face of these cuts. It is imperative that councillors rethink their decision, prioritise Glasgow’s children and young people and reverse these cuts to teacher numbers.
A petition has been started which we would encourage all teachers and members of the public to sign to make clear their objections to these cuts.