The EIS Office Bearers for 2024/2025 have been confirmed, following the completion of the elections process.

The new President elect is Allan Crosbie, a Principal Teacher of English at James Gillespie’s High School in Edinburgh. A long-time EIS activist, Mr Crosbie is a member of Executive, Salaries and Equality Committees and also served as EIS Vice-President for 2023/24.

The new Vice President elect is Adam Sutcliffe from Aberdeenshire. Adam has 26 years teaching experience and has been an active member of the EIS for over 20 years. A member of EIS Council, he also sits on the Executive, Education, Equality and Anti-Racist Sub committees.

Both Mr Crosbie and Mr Sutcliffe will formally assume their new roles at the AGM in June, when current President, Paula McEwan, will move into the post of Ex-President.