
Q&A With EIS President Allan Crosbie

Can you tell us a little about your teaching career and involvement in the EIS? Following my Undergraduate Degree in English, I undertook a one-year Masters in 1990-91 at the University of Notre Dame, Indiana, in what was then a very new academic field: Peace Studies. Learning about things such as Education for Peace, Human […]

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Your Union, Your Voice

We encourage members of the EIS BAME, Disabled and LGBT Networks to consider standing for election to your local management committee, or to EIS Council which is the principal decision-making body of the Union. Being involved in these fora can be an empowering and beneficial experience, and an opportunity to raise the profile of issues […]

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Protecting workers’ health must be a top priority

The EIS played an active part at this year’s Trades Union Congress in Brighton. The EIS delegation was led by President Allan Crosbie, who moved a major composite motion on protecting employees in their place of work. General Secretary Andrea Bradley, writing in the Morning Star in the week of congress, explained why action to […]

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Art of Listening

Founded in 1947, the Edinburgh International Festival was the inspired idea of Rudolf Bing, a cultural pioneer and Jewish refugee, working with a group of civic and artistic leaders. Together, they created a festival that transcends political boundaries through a global celebration of the performing arts.  Every August, our hand-picked programme of world-leading dance, opera, […]

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TUC Congress 2024

The EIS played a prominent role in this year’s Trades Union Congress in Brighton. Pictured are members of the EIS delegation: Assistant Secretary Anne Keenan, Assistant Secretary David Belsey, Vice-President Adam Sutcliffe, Christina Fleming, Andrene Bamford, Alison Murphy, Ex-President Paula McEwan, President Allan Crosbie, Jacqueline Church, Michael Dolan. See pp24-25 for more on the EIS […]

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