
Primary guidance

David Baxter, Dundee LA Secretary and Convener of the EIS Employment Relations Committee, makes the case for guidance teachers within the primary sector. Scottish education is highly regarded worldwide for its progressive approach to teaching and learning. However, despite the many strengths of the Scottish education system, there are still areas that require improvement, and […]

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Teaching about immigration

The EIS has a commitment to high standards of education, rooted in rights, equality and inclusivity. The EIS’s overarching position is the principle that young people have the right to learn, and teachers and lecturers have the right to work, in an educational environment that is free from discrimination, where the rights of all are […]

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Time for Equality

The equality agenda is at the heart of the trade union movement, and Equality Representatives can play an essential part in building momentum for local action. Today, across Europe and further afield, a rise in far-right organising targeting and scapegoating marginalised groups, necessitates sustained and unified trade union solidarity action. Currently, Equality Representatives have no […]

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Play games like you mean it

Ensuring Quality P.E. Provision in Our Schools The mental health and wellbeing of children and young people has become a prominent focus for all of us over the past few years. From the virtual podium of the 2021 EIS AGM, Learning Rep and P.E. Teacher, Dominic Tollan, signalled the importance of ensuring quality physical education […]

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You can steer yourself any direction you choose

Spartacus Marlow is a GTCS-registered primary teacher with 18 years’ teaching experience and a degree-level qualification in their chosen subject, who is being supported by their Local Authority to gain registration in an additional sector. Further information is available on the GTCS website. “It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it […]

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