Let My Friends Learn, suitable for all students aged 7-18
The Educational Institute of Scotland is a member of the Send My Friend to School coalition, who campaign to demand a quality and inclusive education for all children across the globe.
This year’s schools’ campaign teaches young people how to use their voices to raise awareness of the importance of education in emergencies such as conflict, climate change, and the aftermath of COVID-19.
Send My Friend to School reaches around 250,000 children a year who come together to demand that every child receives the right to a quality education, a right that does not end in times of emergencies.
Send My Friend to School’s free campaign pack has everything you need to run the campaign in your school, whether you have twenty minutes or want to create an entire scheme of work. It promotes education as a lifelong process – encouraging students to learn about their own society, participate in a diverse and inclusive global movement, and develop skills and knowledge to democratically influence their MSPs.
Above all, the campaign shows young people that they have a voice, and that they are the most powerful advocates there are for the rights of all children to a quality education.
Join thousands of other children across Scotland, Northern Ireland, England and Wales who are coming together to say Let My Friends Learn.
Download the free campaign pack here: https://act.sendmyfriend.org/campaignpack2023