The EIS education and equality department recently organised a screening of ‘Freedom to Run’. The film follows a group of Scottish runners who embark on an exchange project with a group of Palestinian runners from the West Bank in occupied Palestine.

‘Freedom to Run’ was made by Glasgow film maker Dr. Cairsti Russel and Stephen Sheriff. Dr Caristi Russel was influenced by her PhD research into media perceptions of the Israel – Palestine conflict and was inspired to create the film after a previous visit to Palestine.

The film offers its viewers various perspectives from both the Scottish and Palestinian running groups, whilst cleverly framing the occupation through the use of a marathon. We soon learn it is impossible to complete a marathon in occupied Palestine due to the many check points and blockades imposed on the Palestinian people by the occupying power Israel.

A normal marathon route is 42km but due to the restrictions it is not possible to move more than 10km without being stopped. There were many moments throughout the film that led all in the room to reflect on the simple freedoms we enjoy and the fact that these might be unrealistic and inaccessible for people living under occupation.

The EIS event was organised as a safe space to raise awareness and promote discussion amongst educators of the conflict. It is essential that pupils are equipped to navigate contested topics, evaluate evidence and arrive at their own conclusions.

Teachers and lecturers must also be equipped properly to lead these discussions in their own classrooms.