EIS members across Scotland are engaging their learners every day in education with a focus on equality, diversity, respect and tolerance, across early years, primary, and secondary.
In late 2023, Show Racism the Red Card and the EIS began a partnership to showcase some of the inspiring anti-racism work of children and young people from across Scotland and to inspire other learners. Over several months, teachers submitted learners’ artwork ranging from poems to collaborative paintings, reflecting the many different ways in which young people can express their voices for anti-racism.
The result is an online gallery showcasing every contribution, available to view online. Joining our voices together
The International day for Elimination of Racial Discrimination is observed annually on the 21st March. To mark this day, the EIS Anti-Racist Sub-Committee has invited some of the brilliant learners who took part in the Creative Anti-Racism Showcase to come together to take part in activities to inspire them in their future anti-racism work.
The venue chosen for the event reflects SRTRC and the EIS’s joint commitment to celebrating strength in diversity. St Mungo’s Museum is a gallery full of artwork that explores the role different faiths play in people’s lives, across the world and across time. The venue aims to promote understanding and respect between people of different faiths and none. The invited learners will view the selected artwork on display in St Mungo’s Museum, whilst all entries are available to view online.
The EIS wishes to extend our thanks to every learner who took part in this important project, and to the teachers who supported them in submitting their entries.
Though the showcase is now closed for entries, the teaching resources created for the showcase can still be utilised by anyone wishing to engage creatively with their class around anti-racism.
You can visit www.theredcard.org/showcase/resources to find out more.