
Pay Attention Campaign

First Scottish teachers’ strike for four decades sent strong message to government On Thursday 24 November, teachers across Scotland walked out in the first day of national strike action over pay in almost 40 years. EIS members turned out in their thousands on school picket lines and at campaign rallies right across Scotland. Every single […]

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Do I Dare Disturb the Universe?

Readers of the October 2022 edition of the SEJ will remember that, with the support of my employer, I have undertaken the task to gain GTCS registration in an additional sector. I am happy to welcome you along again, on my continued journey in the move from primary school teacher to retraining as a secondary […]

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Empowerment, agency & the ‘ripple effect’

Action Research Through programmes such as the Action Research Grants scheme, EIS members can benefit from the support of academic colleagues to advance their professional learning. Through Professor Karen McArdle, Collaborative Action Research Network (CARN) Co-ordinating Group member and an academic mentor to EIS members undertaking action research projects, EIS members are supported to share […]

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Pay campaign bits-n-pieces

Strike One (Strike All) A Poem Our job’s not one done just for pay,It’s done for other reasons;It’s done to watch kids grow and learnAcross the year’s four seasons;It’s done to build a safety netFor kids who sometimes fall;It’s done to try encourage kidsWho’ve no time for school at all!Yes, the holidays are great(Yet they […]

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