
Stand Up With us for Quality Education

The AGM saw the EIS launch its Education Manifesto ahead of the UK General Election. In her AGM address, General Secretary Andrea Bradley highlighted the many political commitments to education that have yet to be met, and urged politicians of all parties to do far more to Stand Up for Quality Education. Ms Bradley told […]

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Salaries Motions

Des Morris from East Renfrewshire LA put forward a motion to campaign for an urgent review of the State Pension Age and the economic check within the Scottish Teachers’ Pension Scheme. Morris highlighted the discrepancies between life expectancy trends and the government forecasts used during the 2015 reforms. “No pension money till 68 cost floor […]

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Employment Relations Motions

Daniel Auldjo (Stirling) proposed a motion at the AGM to set up a national EIS Health and Safety Representatives Network. This initiative seeks to provide better support for members who face verbal and physical abuse. “I would hope that those members who are victims of verbal and physical abuse are supported by school reps and […]

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Organisation Motions

“That this AGM instructs Council to commit to the ‘Stand Up for Quality Education’ campaign for a multi-year period and to authorise Executive Committee to allocate EIS resource as deemed necessary to facilitate the campaign.” Alan Crosbie, incoming President, moved a Council motion on the ‘Stand Up for Quality Education’ campaign. “Our campaign title is […]

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