
Lobbying for Fair Pay

Following largescale pickets at schools in Dumfries and Galloway and the Scottish Borders a group of EIS members from across southern Scotland met with local MSPs at Holyrood on Wednesday 1st March. Labour MSPs Carol Mochan, Colin Smyth and Martin Whitfield were in attendance, as well as Conservative MSP Oliver Mundell, while Labour leader Anas […]

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Looking back at the Pay Campaign

The 2022/2023 pay campaign was a long running campaign, that included the first national teacher strikes over pay in four decades. Here, the SEJ looks back at some of the key events in the campaign that eventually lead to a pay deal for Scotland’s teachers. Pay claim submitted The pay claim was submitted later than […]

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Birthday Card

EIS office bearers delivered a birthday card with a shocking green and pink cake on it to the offices of COSLA in Edinburgh on 7th February, the one-year anniversary of the 2022/2023 pay claim. The cake is one of a number of designs created by Dumfries and Galloway local Exec member Stephen Horne. Stephen, who […]

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ACCEPT: 90% REJECT: 10% TURNOUT: 82% At last, it’s settled After more than a year, the pay campaign is finally over. Since early 2022, the EIS has been campaigning for a fair pay settlement for Scotland’s teachers. Now, after many long months of negotiations, campaigning and the first programme of national teacher strike action on […]

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Ballot Result Announced to Council – Pay Deal Accepted

Members of EIS Council were the first people to hear the result of the EIS ballot on the final pay offer, as the online ballot closed just as Council members were gathering in Edinburgh. Shortly after 10am, President Andrene Bamford announced the result to Council: 90% of members had accepted, on an 82% turnout. This […]

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EIS-FELA members overwhelmingly vote for industrial action in consultative ballot

On Wednesday 15th February, the EIS-FELA opened a consultative ballot for industrial action following months of frustrating pay negotiations at the National Joint Negotiating Committee (NJNC). The ballot closed on Thursday 9th March with the following result: Turnout: 76% YES to Strike Action: 70% YES to ASOS: 91% Following a protracted dispute, over pay, last […]

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Pay Agreement – Q&A

Following the overwhelming result in the recent ballot, the pay settlement for 2022-2024 has now been agreed via the SNCT. The SEJ spoke to the lead EIS negotiator, Salaries Convener and Chair of the Teachers’ Side of the SNCT, Des Morris and asked him some key questions about the negotiations and the final deal. It’s […]

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