
Stand Up for Quality Education

The EIS announced the launch of the campaign Stand up for Quality Education at the Annual General Meeting in June. The aim of the campaign is to significantly improve teachers’ working conditions, and health, safety and wellbeing at work and by so doing, the quality of learning experiences for learners. Through branch meetings, surveys and […]

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Safety from violence at work: the law, not a lottery

General Secretary Andrea Bradley spoke at this year’s meeting of the Trade Union Congress on a composite motion addressing safety in the workplace. In her speech, the General Secretary highlighted the Stand Up for Quality Education campaign, and its aim to improve teachers’ working lives by tackling the rising tide of indiscipline in schools. In […]

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President Q&A Paula McEwan

Firstly, can you tell us a little about your teaching and trade union history? Apart from the first two years of my career when I worked on supply across Strathclyde Regional Council, I’ve worked in the same postcode in the south-west of Inverclyde for almost 30 years. It’s not the same building but it’s the […]

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Education reform: ‘It’s our future’ – but when?

The last three years have seen teachers and college lecturers across Scotland engage in endless consultations on Education Reform, to the extent that many have reported ‘consultation fatigue’ and have questioned whether the talk will ever end and the action will ever start. However, the publication of two major reports in the summer term – […]

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EIS Extra – saving our members money

Whether you’re looking to save on your grocery shopping, upgrade your winter wardrobe, get a new car or book a holiday, EIS Extra has an offer for you. Save on everyday essentials or treat yourself for less! Reloadable cards and instant digital vouchers By using reloadable shopping cards and instant digital vouchers, you can earn […]

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Banging the drum for IMTs’ professionalism

On 20th June, more than 30 instrumental music teachers came together at EIS HQ for a professional learning event titled “Professionalism and Practical Skills for IMTs”. The day included a wide range of interactive workshops and keynote addresses on bespoke topics for instrumental music teachers (IMTs). This event was organised with the support of the […]

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EIS Action Researcher at national literacy conference

EIS action researchers disseminate their findings through a wide variety of publications and conferences, ensuring their projects impact teaching practice across the profession. With support from EIS Education Committee, 2022 Action Research Grant (ARG) recipient Suzy Aldous (East Dunbartonshire) attended the UK Literacy Association conference in Exeter to do just that. Here, Lucy reflects on […]

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Continuing to challenge poverty

Mitigating against the impact of poverty must, for all, be a year-round pursuit. Sadly, Inverclyde Council is currently the only local authority in Scotland providing universal free school meals to all pupils in primary 1-7, as the cost-of-living crisis pushes more and more families into financial despair. This year, Challenge Poverty Week, which takes place […]

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Our Voices in Union: Leadership course for EIS equality networks

The EIS is excited to announce a new two-year project which aims to grow the leadership and improve the representation of BAME, LGBT, disabled, neurodivergent and young members within their own workplaces, and within the Union. Since 2020, the EIS has worked on expanding our equality strategy, including growing informal equality networks for groups who […]

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