
Our Voices in Union: Leadership course for EIS equality networks

The EIS is excited to announce a new two-year project which aims to grow the leadership and improve the representation of BAME, LGBT, disabled, neurodivergent and young members within their own workplaces, and within the Union. Since 2020, the EIS has worked on expanding our equality strategy, including growing informal equality networks for groups who […]

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Embedding black history beyond the October month

EIS Anti-racist Sub-Committee members Nuzhat Uthmani and Adam Sutcliffe share their reflections on Black History Month and the importance of anti-Racist education all year round. Nuzhat Uthmani is the current Chair of the EIS Anti-racist Sub-Committee, former Principal Teacher in Glasgow City Council, and currently Lecturer in Primary Education at the University of Stirling. In […]

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Why the Equality Act 2010 matters for all of us

The Equality Act 2010 was introduced on 1st October 2010, consolidating previous legislation on equality and diversity, such as the Disability Discrimination Act, the Race Relations Act, and the Sex Discrimination Act. The act brought together and simplified the legal framework, making it easier to understand and apply. The Equality Act 2010 is a crucial […]

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