
Stand Up With us for Quality Education

The AGM saw the EIS launch its Education Manifesto ahead of the UK General Election. In her AGM address, General Secretary Andrea Bradley highlighted the many political commitments to education that have yet to be met, and urged politicians of all parties to do far more to Stand Up for Quality Education. Ms Bradley told […]

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Not Going Gently into the Night

EIS President Speech – Paul McEwan Outgoing President Paula McEwan pledged to continue fighting the good fight in her AGM speech. I’m sure every President must stand here and say, ‘What a year!’ and I’m sure that for every one of them it will have been true for their time and for their circumstance. I […]

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AGM Presentation: Education Support

Sinéad McBrearty, Chief Executive of mental health and wellbeing charity Education support, spoke to AGM on Saturday and delivered a humorous, and very well received, presentation. “There is no one solution to the challenge of teacher health and wellbeing. There just isn’t enough money in education to do everything that teachers are supposed to achieve […]

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Our Collective Superpower can Protect Education

General Secretary Andrea Bradley’s AGM report focused on the power of collective action. Solidarity is the superpower that trade unions and trade unionists rely on to get us through the darkest of days and out the other side with the wins on pay and conditions that shine on and that sustain us for years and […]

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AGM Sights and Sounds

New Fellows Reply Each year, the EIS awards the degree of Fellow of the Institute (FEIS) to individuals who have made significant contributions to education. This year, 13 new Fellows were honoured at the AGM. The traditional speech of thanks, delivered on behalf of all FEIS recipients, was given by Louise Wilson, retired EIS Assistant […]

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Emergency Motion

Emergency motions are a rare occurrence at the EIS AGM, being deployed only for the most urgent of issues. This year, an emergency motion opposing the deep cuts to education and teaching posts in Glasgow was the first motion to be discussed at AGM. Moving the motion, Equality Convener Nicola Fisher said, “There are more […]

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Education Motions

“Better than a thousand days of diligent study is one day with a great teacher.” – Education Convenor Susan Quinn cited the Japanese proverb to highlight the centrality of the teacher-learner relationship, and urged delegates to resist efforts to erode it. With drastic cuts to teaching posts underway in Glasgow, and moves by local authorities […]

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Equality Motions

Andrew O’Halloran (Dumfries and Galloway) in successfully moving this motion on behalf of Council, spoke about the many ways in which ill mental health can affect us all. Mr O’Halloran further raised the issue of trauma stemming from discrimination, noting that for those who experience inequality due to their protected characteristic, the impact can be […]

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Salaries Motions

Des Morris from East Renfrewshire LA put forward a motion to campaign for an urgent review of the State Pension Age and the economic check within the Scottish Teachers’ Pension Scheme. Morris highlighted the discrepancies between life expectancy trends and the government forecasts used during the 2015 reforms. “No pension money till 68 cost floor […]

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