- Glasgow Dispute Remains Key to Standing up for Quality EducationWith the EIS campaign Stand up for Quality Education continuing to promote the need for increased investment in education, Council discussed the next steps in the campaign and highlighted the importance of the current Glasgow dispute as a bulwark in the… Read more: Glasgow Dispute Remains Key to Standing up for Quality Education
- Anti-Bullying Guidance is a Positive Step, But Schools Need Resources to Deliver ItThe EIS has welcomed the publication of the Scottish Government’s updated anti-bullying guidance. The publication, entitled Respect for All, is helpful in that it aims to ensure a consistency of approach to tackling all forms of bullying of children and young… Read more: Anti-Bullying Guidance is a Positive Step, But Schools Need Resources to Deliver It
- Call to Protect Instrumental Music TuitionThe EIS recently called on the Cabinet Secretary for Education to intervene to protect school instrumental music tuition, in light of East Ayrshire Council’s plans to remove its instrumental music service from education and outsource it to an arm’s length trust.… Read more: Call to Protect Instrumental Music Tuition
- Success for EIS at TUC Communication AwardsIt was a good day for the EIS at this year’s TUC Communications Awards, held recently at Congress House in London. In the ‘Best Union Journal’ category, the online edition of the SEJ won commendation, with the judges saying, “This fully… Read more: Success for EIS at TUC Communication Awards
- National Occupational NetworksNational Occupational Networks operate to represent certain members who are part of an occupational group within the EIS who have distinctive interests and who may not be represented in other structures within the Institute. These groups operate on behalf of four… Read more: National Occupational Networks