
Investing in Education is the Right Political Choice

Scottish education continues to operate in a very challenging financial climate, right across the country. Budget cuts in recent years have been painful, leading to fewer teachers and support staff in our schools, and less support and fewer opportunities for our young people. The Scottish Government has, rightly, set its sights on the eradication of […]

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Class Contact: Time for the commitment to be delivered

As the SEJ goes to print, the clock is ticking on the Scottish Government and COSLA to make a meaningful step forward in addressing the unsustainable level of workload facing teachers across Scotland. As members will be aware, the current Scottish Government made a manifesto commitment to reduce class contact time from 22.5 to 21 […]

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Unfair ‘tax on teachers’ must be reversed

Scotland’s teachers have collectively been left out of pocket by potentially tens of millions of pounds, as the result of an ongoing impasse between 16 Scottish local authorities and His Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) over the implications of the 2022-23 pay settlement to Scotland’s teachers. Tax changes which came into force in April 2023 […]

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Still We Rise

In the context of increasingly visible far-right narratives in mainstream media, politics and society, EIS members seek to embody hope over fear and rise up for a better future. Over two days, the EIS Social Justice and Solidarity Conference ‘Still We Rise’ explored how educators and trade unionists can join together to create a fairer […]

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