EIS Council approved a number of actions and policy approaches recently, in response to the ongoing COVID crisis.
Key principles
- A call for Level 4 to trigger automatic consideration of blended / remote learning contingencies.
- The establishment of fora and protocols to facilitate trade union involvement in said considerations.
- A demand for full transparency around enhanced surveillance data to support the above process.
- A renewed demand for mass proactive testing in Schools.
The agreed actions include:
- To continue to engage with the Scottish Government in seeking clarity and guidance on the Public Health and Educational circumstances that would trigger a move to blended or remote learning
- To provide advice and guidance to Local Associations in negotiations at LNCT level on the Public Health and Educational circumstances that would trigger a move to blended or remote learning
- Advise Local Associations to seek urgent dialogue re: infection levels, in-school data, and member perception of how effective school mitigations are.
- Agree to support an organising approach, including use of collective grievance, articulation of triggers for blended/remote learning options, declaration of dispute, balloting if necessary.
- Agree to school or Local Association based consultative ballot requests for industrial action in those Council areas which have moved to Level 4 and which have not moved to remote/ blended learning.
- Agree in principle to move to statutory ballots, on a disaggregated basis, where consultative ballots demonstrate sufficient support to overcome Trade Union Act barriers.
- To approve a “For Your Information, First Minister” communication campaign.
- Develop a targeted media briefing strategy, to include personal testimony of members in schools, questioning of selective use of data related to infection rates within school communities, and highlighting of positive experiences in the delivery of remote/blended learning.
- Intensify local and national campaigning for a move to remote/ blended learning in those Council areas which have moved to Level 4, and on behalf of paused shielding teachers, pregnant staff and those with vulnerabilities.
- Demand that the Scottish Government articulate and resource the promised “enhanced and targeted protective measures” cited in its Level 4 guidance.
- Demand clear articulation from the Scottish Government on the deployment of blended and remote learning contingencies.
- Seek further Scottish Government funding for additional staffing in schools to facilitate smaller classes and physical distancing in compliance with public health measures as required in wider society.