
New EIS Staff Members

Craig Carson,EIS Organiser I worked for 18 years as a primary school teacher in Renfrewshire until I was seconded to the EIS. I was a school rep for many years where I enjoyed helping members with a wide range of issues and keeping them informed about the latest EIS campaigns and news. I was also […]

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EIS-ULA Pay Dispute

Following the imposition of a well bellow inflation 2.9% pay award, EIS-ULA remains in dispute with university employers over last year’s pay settlement. This follows years of real-terms pay cuts as result of sub-inflation pay awards, with some members losing around a third of the real-terms value of their pay since 2009. The EIS-ULA is […]

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Salaries Committee – Council News

Salaries Convener Des Morris reported on recent meetings of the Salaries Committee, and on recent SNCT meetings. Since the last report to Council, there had been 4 meetings of Extended Joint Chairs of the Scottish Negotiating Committee for Teachers (SNCT), in addition to a number of informal side meetings with the Scottish Government and COSLA. […]

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Council Discusses Options for Escalation

WITH NO END TO PAY DISPUTE IN SIGHT, COUNCIL DISCUSSES OPTIONS FOR ESCALATION The January meeting of EIS Council took place as the dispute over teacher pay continued. As Council members gathered in Edinburgh, EIS members were in the midst of 16-days of rolling strike action across the country. On the day of the meeting, […]

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General Secretary Report on the Pay Campaign

General Secretary Andrea Bradley provided an overview of the pay campaign thus far, and looked ahead to possible next steps. Ms Bradley said, “The substance of our campaign is allowing us to challenge the spin and the anti-trade union rhetoric that has come from the Scottish Government, the Cabinet Secretary and the First Minister. There […]

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