Members of the EIS can place box adverts for as little as 20p per word. Contact us at sej@eis.org.uk or call 0131 225 6244. DIGITISATION SERVICETransfer of cine film, video, camcorder cassettes, 35mm slides and negatives into digital format. www.grantmillar.net for more info. POLICE PRACTICE PAPERS for the Police Scotland Entrance Test (PSET) available from […]

Focus on pupil behaviour and next pay claim at EIS council
To coincide with November’s meeting of EIS Council, the EIS published the results of the national branch survey on violent and aggressive behaviour in schools. As we report in this SEJ, the findings were doubly troubling and must represent a stark warning to the Scottish Government and Scotland’s local authorities. General Secretary Andrea Bradley reported […]

Behaviour in Scottish schools data confirms rise in violence in the classroom
The results of the Behaviour in Scottish Schools Research (BiSSR), published by the Scottish Government, have confirmed that incidents of violence, aggression and disruptive behaviours in Scotland’s schools have risen significantly over the past few years. Commenting, EIS General Secretary Andrea Bradley said, “The data in the BiSSR confirms the findings of the EIS national […]

Government plan on school behaviour is lacking in detail
Commenting on the recent statement on school behaviour by Education Secretary Jenny Gilruth in the Scottish Parliament, EIS General Secretary Andrea Bradley said, “This statement did not contain a great deal of detail on the practical steps to be taken and the increased support to be delivered to schools to tackle pupil behaviour, aggression and […]

Creation of a new centre of teaching excellence
The EIS has responded to the surprise announcement made by Education Secretary, Jenny Gilruth, during the SNP conference on plans to create a new Centre of Teaching Excellence. Commenting, EIS Assistant Secretary, Anne Keenan said, “We read with interest the comments made by the Cabinet Secretary about the creation of a new Centre of Teaching […]

A fond farewell, and a warm welcome
November’s meeting of EIS Council was the last for Assistant Secretary Louise Wilson, who is leaving the EIS later this month. Numerous Council members took the opportunity to thank Louise for her decades of dedicated service to the EIS – as an activist, as a National Officer and, finally, as an Assistant Secretary of the […]