Focus on pupil behaviour and next pay claim at EIS council
To coincide with November’s meeting of EIS Council, the EIS published the results of the national branch survey on violent and aggressive behaviour in schools. As we report in this SEJ, the findings were doubly troubling and must represent a stark warning to the Scottish Government and Scotland’s local authorities. General Secretary Andrea Bradley reported […]

Behaviour in Scottish schools data confirms rise in violence in the classroom
The results of the Behaviour in Scottish Schools Research (BiSSR), published by the Scottish Government, have confirmed that incidents of violence, aggression and disruptive behaviours in Scotland’s schools have risen significantly over the past few years. Commenting, EIS General Secretary Andrea Bradley said, “The data in the BiSSR confirms the findings of the EIS national […]

Government plan on school behaviour is lacking in detail
Commenting on the recent statement on school behaviour by Education Secretary Jenny Gilruth in the Scottish Parliament, EIS General Secretary Andrea Bradley said, “This statement did not contain a great deal of detail on the practical steps to be taken and the increased support to be delivered to schools to tackle pupil behaviour, aggression and […]

Creation of a new centre of teaching excellence
The EIS has responded to the surprise announcement made by Education Secretary, Jenny Gilruth, during the SNP conference on plans to create a new Centre of Teaching Excellence. Commenting, EIS Assistant Secretary, Anne Keenan said, “We read with interest the comments made by the Cabinet Secretary about the creation of a new Centre of Teaching […]

Survey results lay bare the scale of violence in schools
A major national survey of Scotland’s teachers, carried out by the EIS, has laid bare the scale of the growing problem of violence and aggression in Scotland’s schools. Female teachers are on the receiving end of misogyny from male pupils. We seem to have to deal with things that other workplaces wouldn’t tolerate. The survey […]

Violence in our schools must never be seen as ‘part of the job’
Here, EIS General Secretary Andrea Bradley takes a closer look at the key findings of the recent national branch survey, and explores some of the reasons behind challenging behaviours in our schools. The results of the EIS national branch survey on violent and aggressive behaviour in schools are stark and they are deeply worrying – […]

Retrospective: Looking back on a busy and challenging year
2023 has been a packed year for everyone in Scottish education, and for the EIS and all of its members. In schools, our members took part in the first industrial action campaign over pay for four decades, while members in both the Further and Higher education sectors were also in dispute on a range of […]

We need to talk about the Israel-Palestine conflict in our schools
As with every previous re-occurrence of awful violence between Israelis and Palestinians, the unprecedented brutal aerial assault on Gaza following the murderous Hamas incursion in to Israel has prompted debate among educators as to whether this conflict should be a topic for discussion in our schools. The arguments against doing so are not insignificant or […]

Promoting peace through dialogue
Following the escalation of the Israel / Palestine conflict, the EIS joined its sister trade unions in calling for a peaceful resolution through dialogue. The EIS website hosts an educational resource, allowing teachers and learners to explore a range of relevant curricular themes. The EIS is appalled and deeply concerned by the recent escalating violence […]