Fringe Events


Marking the 175th Anniversary of the EIS, the Equality Fringe featured a powerful address on the centrality of equality to the trade union agenda from Susan Flocken, European Director of ETUCE. Members were engaged in a creative activity celebrating our legacy and imagining our hopes for EIS equality activism in the future, with the help of graphic facilitator Jules Scheele.


Kevin Courtney, joint General Secretary of the NEU spoke at the International Fringe Event. Mr Courtney had recently returned from a Justice for Colombia Solidarity visit with General Secretary Larry Flanagan. Mr Courtney gave an address about the current situation in Colombia, which is regarded as being the most dangerous country in the world to be a trade unionist, a human rights defender or an environmental activist.

Pay Campaign

Delegates heard from Paul Novack, Deputy General Secretary of the TUC, on the UK wide “We Deserve Better Campaign” and then took part in a workshop presented by Suki, Eilidh, and Amy, from the EIS organiser team ran a session on organising for the pay campaign. They covered how to use one-to-one conversations to keep building the energy and engagement of your branch in the pay campaign, using the school petition that is currently in schools at the minute. The only way to win the pay that teachers need and deserve is to get every member involved in the campaign. If you’d like any support with the national pay campaign, get in touch with your organiser.

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