
Pay Attention Campaign

TURNING THE STREETS GREEN AND PINK As previously announced, the EIS is organising a national demonstration of members to take place on Saturday 11th March in Glasgow. We plan to turn the streets of Glasgow green and pink this time as we march from Kelvingrove Park to Glasgow Green for a rally. Be sure to […]

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Turning Up the Heat

The EIS has lauded Scotland’s teachers for their ongoing programme of strike action in pursuit of an improved pay deal from the Scottish Government and COSLA. The recent meeting of EIS Council (see report on pp4-6) condemned the Scottish Government and COSLA for their continuing pretence that “meaningful” and “constructive” talks have been ongoing on […]

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Building Engagement on Picket Lines

Picketing is a key part of strike action and an effective way to build morale, confidence and camaraderie. As we enter a more sustained period of strike action, it is important that picket lines remain strong as a visible demonstration of our commitment to the campaign and our objective of achieving a 10% pay increase […]

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Sudanese teachers on the frontline for education, freedom and social justice– By Donny Gluckstein, member of EIS-FELA Executive and EIS Council The EIS is fighting the cost-of-living crisis and opposing new Tory anti-union laws. But we are not alone in our struggle. Spare a thought for the Sudanese Teachers Committee (STC). In 2019 a mass […]

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Free School Meals

Scottish government must reverse free school meals delay to help tackle poverty. The Scottish Government must reverse its decision to delay the roll-out of free school meals to all children in Primaries Six and Seven. The commitment was originally due to be delivered by last August, but a previous decision by the Scottish Government delayed […]

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