Why we are asking you to vote YES to strike action
The EIS needs all members to vote in the statutory ballot, to deliver an overwhelming strike mandate that COSLA and the Scottish Government cannot ignore.
All teachers are facing the cost-of-living crisis. Teachers’ pay needs to increase by 10% as protection against soaring inflation on essential items like food, fuel, heat and housing.
This crisis was not caused by teachers. The Scottish Government and COSLA need to pay for the pay rise, and they have they means to do so.
The Scottish Government and COSLA can afford the pay rise. The EIS can successfully realise its 10% pay claim, with the support of its members and an overwhelming strike mandate.
Teachers work extremely hard with an ever-increasing workload – their pay needs to reflect this increasing work – not fall relative to it.
Teachers need to act now as the cost-of-living crisis is reliably forecast to get worse. Employers and government need to stop dragging their feet and fund a fair pay rise
COSLA’s ‘One Workforce’ agenda undermines genuine negotiation and is used as an excuse to impose pay restraint – teachers will not be undermined by internal COSLA politics.
The Scottish Government has funds available to improve the pay deal, as they have recently done for other groups of workers following their disputes.
Voting for strike action will provide a massive boost to the Pay Attention campaign, and provide EIS negotiators with a greatly enhanced negotiating position on teachers’ pay.